MDI Trojan Athletics


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Weekly Athletic Events

At MDI High School, where we have a tradition of excellence both in academics and extracurricular activities, we are focused on providing each student with the best education possible so that they may achieve their personal best. It is our belief that teaching and learning do not end at the conclusion of the regular school day. Students benefit from extracurriculars not only because they are educationally sound, but in many cases to fill idle time. It is well documented that students who participate in extracurricular activities have higher grade point averages, better class attendance, and fewer discipline problems. Many life-lessons can be learned through being a contributing member of a team. Dedication, work ethic, teamwork, and sportsmanship are all great examples! Our school offers a board range of athletic activities for students in grades 9-12. You can view the list of fall, winter, and spring sports we offer by clicking on the menus to the right.

Athletic Director - Bunky Dow

Athletic Director

Bunky Dow

Email: See Staff Listing

Cell Phone: (207) 461-9042

Office Phone: (207) 288-5011 x.3336

Athletic Trainer - Dan Vibert

Atletic Trainer

Dan Vibert

Email: See Staff Listing

Cell Phone: (407) 222-9114

Office Phone: (207) 288-5011 x.3336

Games & Events Calendar

This calendar displays game/match/contest events for all teams.

Practices Calendar

This calendar displays practice times for all teams.

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Rank One - Extracurricular Participation Forms

Acadian Youth Sports (AYS)